Covid-19 – why it is even more important than ever to get on with making your Power of Attorney | Winston Solicitors Skip to main content
Is an Enduring Power of Attorney still valid today?

Posted on 9 December 2020

Covid-19 – why it is even more important than ever to get on with making your Power of Attorney

Posted in Advice

Read time: 2 minutes

It is well known that the pandemic has sadly caused a massive increase in self-isolation, especially for the more elderly members of our society. Prior to Covid-19, many elderly people were obtaining the use of support groups which unfortunately have ceased to be available during the pandemic.

This has unfortunately badly affected the elderly. It has caused them to suffer a loss of mental stimulation which in turn has caused them to suffer from depression and a significant deterioration in their mental health. Many elderly people already had undiagnosed mental health issues before the advent of covid 19 .I have been approached by family members who have remarked on the acceleration of their parent’s lack of capacity during the pandemic due to the self-isolation, and lack of stimulation This is very worrying but has emphasised the importance of making a Lasting Power of Attorney before it is too late.

It cannot be stressed that once somebody loses capacity, time has run out to make a Lasting Power of Attorney whether a Power of attorney dealing with property and financial affairs or a health and welfare power of attorney. The problem is that so many people just leave it thinking that they will do it at a later date but regrettably it just does not happen in good time and everyone is full of regrets.

It is imperative that we all recognise that powers of attorney are not something that can be left to be dealt with in the future and the message should be to “get on with it” and “do it now”.

In order to obtain the best advice on how to make a Power of Attorney efficiently and speedily, it is best to consult a solicitor specialising in the field.