Had an accident that's not your fault? What should you do?
How many times do you hear (and shudder) at the phrase, “where there’s a blame there’s a claim”? But, if you were unfortunately involved in an accident that was not your fault, you may find yourself in a position where you were unable to work, look after yourself and your family.
Common claims involve road traffic accidents and accidents at work, including faulty or old equipment. Accidents in public places or even being attacked by animals are a surprisingly regular occurrence. These types of accidents involve lives being disrupted in many ways.
If you do experience a personal injury, what would you do?
Making a claim is not simply about looking for cash to compensate for an injury. Genuine cases involve loss of income, ongoing medical expenses and even help in the home. Ultimately, people who experience a personal injury can end up with financial hardship plus an inconvenience to their lives.
Compensation is determined out of necessity, not the greed of the claimant, as the media has led people to believe. Claims management companies have added to this perception by capturing clients with cold calling and heavy advertising. Whilst they may seem to be reputable, such companies are not solicitors, therefore unable to provide expert legal advice.
The logical option is to use a specialist solicitor, ideally where you have one contact throughout the process of the claim. This will provide you with the confidence that your situation is being dealt with professionally and appropriately, ultimately giving you the best possible chance of getting your life back on track.
Talk to our personal injury team on 0113 320 5000 and ask about our No Win No Fee personal injury claim service.