Prosecutors in rape cases to meet with witnesses before trial to address any fears and concerns
I have read in the Law Society Gazette this week that rape complainants are to be given the opportunity to meet with the prosecution team ahead of the criminal trial in cases where the accused has pleaded not guilty.
Rape cases are reported to have the highest number of not guilty pleas and we know that reporting in rape cases and convictions are unacceptably low.
Victims' Code
This new obligation to offer complainants this opportunity is part of a new range of measures that will appear in the updated Victims’ Code.
What will be the purpose of the meeting?
The idea is that in meeting with the prosecution team will give the complainant chance to discuss their concerns, ask questions about the process and get a better understanding of what they can expect at trial. It is hoped that this will also reduce the number of complainants who withdraw from the process due to fear of giving evidence.
Going to court to give evidence in a rape case or indeed in any case where sexual offences are alleged can be a daunting and traumatising process and we totally support any measures that can help the complaint and make the process a little easier. Whilst this is a positive measure, it is surprising that this doesn’t happen now. Should those who complain of sexual offences which do not amount to rape, but can often be equally as terrified, also be offered this option?
When will these meetings start to happen?
This new measure is unlikely to start being offered until next year, once it has been incorporated into the updated Victims’ Code, which will be done via the new Victims and Prisoners Bill which is still going through the House of Commons.
What else if the government doing to help and support victims?
Other measures to provide additional help and support to rape victim include the roll out of pre-recorded evidence and increasing the number of ISVAs (Independent Sexual Violence Advocates)
As sexual assault and rape solicitors we work to help you get compensation for rape as a victim. Use our rape victim compensation calculator and if you would like to explore criminal injuries compensation for rape victims please do get in touch.
You can contact a sexual abuse and assault claims specialist at Winston Solicitors on 0113 320 5000 or email cicamessages@winstonsolicitors.co.uk.